To become financially successful, for some, it’s having a high-ranking income or amount of money in a bank account. Others benchmark their relationships. Also, people can change their definition of success every time they enter a new life stage.

Regardless, there are certain behaviors and habits that you’ll find successful individuals have in common.

The key to success is focusing on the following don’t do list. While you can copy everything a successful person has said and done, don’t forget to pay attention to what they’re not doing.

Don’t Start a Day Without a Plan

Having a plan is crucial for your trajectory toward success, no matter the endeavor that you’re pursuing. Without a plan, it’s easy to fall back into the habit of mindlessly scrolling through social media. You have a new chance to take one step closer to your goals each day you wake up, so make it count.

However, be realistic and don’t overcommit with your to-do list as this would be counterproductive.

But at the same time, learn how to deal with some road bumps – you won’t always have the perfect day or finish everything you had planned.

Don’t Waste Your Time and Energy

To be successful, don’t put off the things that are most important. Train yourself to identifying the most difficult task of the day and accomplishing it first in the morning. This way, you’ll be able to optimize the rest of your workflow and increase your chances of success.

Don’t Fall for Distractions

Social media notifications, emails, texts – all these take away time that you could be using to get into flow state and, ultimately, deep work.

You’ll never be able to achieve success if you keep jumping from tab to tab and checking on social media if there are any new updates on a certain topic you’ve been following online.

Don’t Wait For Opportunities

Opportunity doesn’t always come knocking on your door nor is there scarcity. Start developing an abundance mindset. You have to believe that you can be successful, and that you can create your own opportunities if you put in the work.

However, if good opportunities do fall into your lap, don’t feel overwhelmed and underprepared or not ready for this.

Don’t let your self-doubt consume you. You’ll never be fully ready until you take that leap of faith, ask for that promotion, or start a business, among others.

If you wait until you’re ready, you’re risking the possibility that you’ll be waiting your whole life.

Don’t Be Paralyzed by Failures and Negative Thoughts

Success comes with a great deal of failure, contradicting thoughts, revisions, side comments, and countless do-overs. Remind yourself that even when you try again, you’re not starting over from scratch – you’re starting from experience. In the same vein, make sure that you’re selective with the people you surround yourself with.

When you have pessimistic, discouraging individuals in your orbit, especially for long periods of time, you’ll subconsciously absorb parts of their personality that will negatively affect your overall worldview.

Don’t Quit

Successful people are often more successful simply because they keep trying. They don’t cover up their shortcomings with excuses nor do they allow the same mistakes to be made. They’re always trying to be better.

You should eliminate the habits that are holding you back. Success is the product of daily habits, not once-in-a-lifetime transformation.

Don’t Betray Your Values and Goals

Whatever your values are, make sure that you never betray them. By the same token, don’t take your eyes off your vision. One characteristic virtually all successful individuals share is laser focus. That said, hunger for learning is what spells the vast difference between identifying and pursuing your goals.

Don’t Fragment Yourselves

A lot of us have different identities online, offline, with specific people, or even in certain environments. While there’s nothing inherently wrong with that, we may not notice sometimes that we’re already faking it.

There is a disconnect between who we are on the inside and who we’re presenting on the outside. Success calls for consistency, not just with how often we show up for our goals but also with our own identity (inside and out).

If you believe that you deserve success, then the self-deprecating jokes will dwindle and people will start seeing you for who you really are.

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